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“Encouraging artists to open their mind, challenge their body, and inspire their soul.” 


The House Of Jazz: Artist Development Program (HOJ ADP) is a post graduate transitional program designed to prepare dance artists for a career in the theatre jazz arts. It is an enlightened approach to dance education, changing the skyline of the entertainment arts by moving young artist into greatness. For more information click here.


“Christie Lee Manning initiated one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. She is an expert in creating spaces in which impulses that were previously ignored or forgotten can be brought back to the fore.”  

Serena Ruth (Laban University)

2015 Winner
The Inspirational Teacher Award
on behalf of Dance London
at the Inspires! Awards 2015.
Voted for by the dance community.

listen & learn

The backstage revolution

One of Christie's favourite quotes is...


"My favourite thing to do is learn. My second favourite thing to do is share what I've learned."


Tune in to the following podcasts to listen to Christie and these fantastic creatives share the invaluable lessons that they have learned. 

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the dance podcast


iinside OUT THEORY

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